Maddox - Maddox
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Added 12/18/2011
Updated 9/17/2013
I met Maddox of The Best Page in the Universe fame at SDCC 2011. He had a booth where he was promoting his new book "I Am Better Than Your Kids" by having visitors to his booth draw a picture and he would critique it. Naturally every drawing would receive an F and some sort of insult written on it. He would hang up the pictures he especially liked in his booth. I kinda surprised him by asking him to draw me a picture instead and he drew me this pirate which I can only assume is a self portrait. He then graded the picture with an A+ saying it was the only A+ he gave out in the entire convention. I have been a reader of his blog for several years now and I actually love his art style. I was real happy to get this sketch.